11 500 tons of unusable plant protection products have been eliminated
Before the first collection operations set up by A.D.I.VALOR, an accumulated "historical" stock had been built up among professional users. These first collections made it possible to eliminate 9 600 tons of this stock, between 2001 and 2008. Since 2009, a long-term sustainable system for the management of Unusable Plant Protection Products (PPNU) has been set up by A.D.I.VALOR, throughout the territory.
In 2019, 250 tons of PPNU were collected and disposed of in specialized facilities, bringing the total quantity collected to 11 500 tons since the start of collections in 2001.
Used personal protective equipment (PPE)
These are mainly gloves, aprons, fabric or disposable coveralls, protective goggles and masks, boots and shoes for chemical protection.
Since 2016, 40 tons of used chemical personal protective equipment has been collected.
The initiative's partner suppliers and distributors display the "ECO EPI" logo.