A.D.I.VALOR is a simplified joint-stock company (French “SAS” model) with a capital of € 39 000.
The COVADA company, which is a holding company bringing together all the plant protection companies that are partners in the scheme, is A.D.I.VALOR’s majority shareholder.
A.D.I.VALOR’s shareholders (as of 02/06/2015):
- La Coopération Agricole
- Fédération du Négoce Agricole (FNA) - Agricultural Trade Federation
- Union de coopératives INVIVO - Union of cooperatives INVIVO
- Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (APCA) - Permanent Assembly of Chambers of Agriculture
- Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA) - National Federation of Farmers' Unions
- Société de Valorisation des Eco-actions des engrais et amendements (SOVEEA) - Company for the Valorization of Fertilizers and Soil enhancers Eco-actions
- Association pour la récupération et le recyclage des sacs de semences (ARES)- Association for the recovery and Recycling of Seed bags
- Comité français des Plastiques en Agriculture (CPA) - French Committee for Plastics in Agriculture
- Solution pour les Emballages de Produits d'Hygiène (SEPH) - Hygiene Products Packaging Solution
The Supervisory Board is regularly informed of the scheme activities and assists the company’s management in the development and definition of the strategic and technical means and resources to be implemented in order to achieve the company’s goals.
The Board may undertake, jointly with the Chairman, the search for new shareholders.