Committed to a responsible and environmentally friendly use of agri-supplies waste, organizations representing the Plant Protection Industry, Agricultural Cooperatives, Agricultural Traders and Farmers are the founding members of the French national scheme for the management of professional plant protection waste.
350 marketers
(manufacturers, packers, importers) are today engaged in responsible management of their products at the end of their life.
1 300 distributors
(cooperatives and traders) organize the logistics of collections, everywhere in the territory.
300 000 professional users
bring back their empty packaging, waste and expired products..
A.D.I.VALOR's shareholders
- ARES : "Association pour la Récupération et le recyclage des Emballages de Semences" - Association for the Recovery and recycling of Seed Packaging
- Chambres d'Agriculture France : "Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture" - Permanent Assembly for the Chambers of Agriculture
- La Coopération Agricole : Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives for Collection and Supplies
- COVADA : "Collecte et Valorisation des Déchets Agricoles" - Collection and Recovery of Agricultural Waste
- CPA : "Comité français des Plastiques en Agriculture" - French Committee for Plastics in Agriculture
- FNA : "Fédération du Négoce Agricole" - Agricultural Trade Federation
- FNSEA : "Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles" - National Federation of Farmers' Unions
- INVIVO : "Union des Coopératives agricoles" - Agricultural Cooperatives Union
- SEPH : "Solution pour les Emballages de Produits d'Hygiène" - Solution for Hygiene Products Packaging
- SOVEEA : "Société de Valorisation des Eco-actions des Engrais et Amendements" - Company for the valorization of Fertilizers and Soil enhancers Eco-actions